
Sunday, June 8, 2014

¡Bienvenidos a España!

To pick up from my last post (which was at the airport in Norfolk, VA), I had a brief layover in JFK, and boarded my 8 hour flight to Madrid.  I slept for the majority of the flight, had my tv dinner meals of chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans for dinner, and soon after, a muffin, raisins, and I don't remember what else for breakfast, and with the +6 hours in time change, I arrived in Madrid at 8:30am Friday.  I walked for a ways, took a trolly, walked some more, went through immigration, got my passport stamped, walked some more (probably close to 2 miles all together) and arrived at the "K" section of the airport.  Interestingly, the gate number was not announced until about an hour and a half before boarding, so you just picked a spot in the general area and hung out, constantly checking the big electronic board for updates.
The posts were painted like the rainbow, each color gradually turning into the next.  My "K" area was in the green section.  Yellow was "J".

Starbucks at Barajas Airport in Madrid
I was lucky enough to find a Starbucks, and at one point I actually picked up wi-fi, but only had 15 minutes free before they start charging, so I sent out a few messages to let people know I made it across the ocean.  The Starbucks only seemed to dull the exhaustion, because I was almost nodding off even as I finished off my venti caramel macchiato.  I ended up wrapping my legs around my backpack and snoozing on and off for 2 minute intervals.  Finally the 8 hour layover came to a close, and I boarded my last flight, half an hour later than expected.  I dozed a bit more on the last flight, and peaked out the window from my aisle seat without making it seem like I was staring at my neighbor.  I saw a lot of squares of land, like in NY, farmland, but all brown.  I would occasionally see little houses that dotted the farmland, and I saw one beautiful shimmering field that looked like tan silk... maybe wheat? 

At about quarter to 6 Friday evening, I landed at the small airport of Jerez (pronounced Hereth, almost dropping the end sound completely).  I waited for my luggage, and it didn't come through on the first belt.  Everyone was leaving, the doors had closed on the belt, and I started getting concerned.  Then the belt next to me started moving and my luggage came through, along with the luggage of one couple that had been left behind with me.  I guess we are the special ones.. I didn't give it much thought, I was just happy the luggage was there, not busted open, and I grabbed it and went.  There was a tiny little spot that said customs on the way out, and if you had something to declare you went to the right.. I did not, so I just went straight through.  I was hesitant, but the ladies waved me right through.  On the other side of this, my sponsor and his wife were waiting with a sign for me.  We made quick introductions and made our way to their car.

As we got briefly turned around on our way to Rota, he explained it would be wise to invest in a GPS while here.  The extended drive did let me see some beautiful sunflower fields and also a field full of solar panels, which was quite a sight to see.  Upon arrival to Rota, we stopped at an office next to the base gate and got my orders stamped, which will allow me access to everything until I receive my Spanish ID card.  After that, I got a quick tour around base and then it was time to sign into the hotel.

My picture was not so good from my cell through a car window, so here's one thanks to Google
The Navy Lodge gave me a little goodie bag with mostly junk food: pop tarts, cookies, pop corn, mini single serve cereal boxes, peanut butter cracker sandwiches, and some oatmeal.  This was great for me because the last thing I wanted to do that night was go to the grocery store.  Luckily the commissary and Nex are right behind the Lodge, but I just wanted to unpack and crawl into bed.  With all the sleeping on the plane and in the airport, I still was quite fatigued, and slept for 13 hours that night, waking up once to tell the cleaning lady to come back later and then hanging a do not disturb sign on my door. 

Yesterday after my long night of sleep that led me almost to noon, I prepared for the grocery store, got food, but forgot the essentials, like salt and pepper, and coffee (the prepackaged things from the hotel kitchen might as well be water).  I tried to do laundry, only to find out it only takes american money, which I no longer have, but can get if I go back to the Nex to use the ATM.  I figured that was enough for the day, so I took another nap. 

I finally had a chance to roll out my yoga mat in my little room and did a little bit of yoga to stretch out my tight legs and hips from the flight.  My handstand practice won't fit in this room though (not enough room to safely fall), so I think I'll have to take it outside.  Today I woke up at a reasonable hour (8:30am after going to bed at 12:30) and am trying to reset my stubborn internal clock.  We'll see how long I can resist a nap, but I'm starting to feel like me again. 

It's been very stressful and overwhelming to be doing all of this on my own, but it won't be too long until my husband is able to join me and then we'll be able to look for our next home together.  Until then I'll try to get my essentials in order: sign in at the hospital, get my Spanish ID card, possibly get my license, set up a post office box, etc. 

~Hasta luego~

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