Today was exhausting. I went in to the military hospital for a 7:30am appointment (showing up 15 minutes early as requested) and left shortly after 10:00. Part of the problem is that I am a Navy Dependent going to an Air Force hospital. When we moved here, there were no primary care physicians available at the Navy hospital, so my next option was the much closer, much friendlier Air Force hospital, which up until now has been fantastic.
Upon calling to make my overseas screening appointment, the clinic was pretty wishy-washy, but they set up an appointment anyways. When I gave my paperwork to the doctor, he had never seen that precise form before and didn't know if he was able to fill them out for me. When he called his department, they didn't quite know the answers either, and so his department had to call another department (I'm guessing a Navy department?). Well, after an hour of waiting, I was told that it could be done. I could get my screening done there. The catch was that I have to return next week for a different appointment.

The Public Health Clinic met me with another wait, and then a very friendly and helpful women who set me up with a list of required shots and blood tests. I was also given a short location based briefing, and since Spain is very similar to the US, basically it was just advice on hygiene (wash hands, wear bug spray, etc).
Next was a trip to the Laboratory where I saw my second longest wait of the day. Finally my number was called which allowed me to officially sign in, and then I waited again for my name to be called. I had blood drawn to see if I had enough resistance to the chicken pox virus, as well as the measles/mumps/rubella viruses.
After the lab, I returned to the Immunization Clinic, where I thought the instructions were updated from the Public Health Clinic, but I was wrong. They seemed surprised that I had no vaccines on record. The last time I needed any vaccinations was for college (I think in 2009) and before that was for another college in 2004. None have been done through the military. I've never had any reason to until now. Because of that, there is no record in there computer (probably only a physical record that would require some digging on their part), and I was sent away until after my follow up appointment next week, or until after my blood tests come back.
3 hours of waiting and running around from clinic to clinic. Thank goodness they were all in the same building! This exhausting experience put me on the couch with a severe headache for most of the day. After a nap and some relaxing crochet work, I meandered over to the Dentist's Office, which is conveniently located right in front of our apartment complex, and retrieved my paperwork... so at least that's done! I am officially "suitable for the overseas assignment", or at least my teeth are. :D
All said and done, I'm at least a couple steps closer to completing my to-do list.
~Til next time~
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